Burgomasters of Brussels

Burgomasters of Brussels
Nicolas-Jean Rouppe 1830-1838
Guillaume Van Volxen 1838-1841
Jean-François Wyns de Raucour 1841-1848
Charles de Brouckère 1848-1860
André-Napoléon Fontainas 1860-1863
Jules Victor Anspach 1863-1879
Félix Vanderstraeten 1879-1881
Charles Buls 1881-1899
Émile De Mot 1899-1909
Adolphe Max 1909-1939
Frédéric-Joseph Van de Meulebroeck* 1939-1956
Lucien Georges Cooremans 1956-1975
Pierre Van Halteren 1975-1983
Hervé Brouhon2 1983-1993
Michel Demaret 1993-1994
Freddy Thielemans 1994
François-Xavier de Donnéa 1995-2000
Marion Lemesre 2000-2001
Freddy Thielemans 2001-
*Van de Meulebroeck was dismissed from office by the German occupying authorities on 1 July 1941. He was replaced by Jules Coelst. On the establishment of a "Greater Brussels" (Gross Brüssel), encompassing the 19 communes, on 24 September 1942, Jan Grauls was appointed burgomaster (28 September). Greater Brussels was abolished and Van de Meulebroeck returned to his post on 4 September 1944. 2Hervé Brouhon died on 19 April 1 993. André Gobert completed the term of Brouhon.

Historical Dictionary of Brussels. .

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