Ballet du XXe Siècle/Ballet van de XXe Eeuw

Ballet du XXe Siècle/Ballet van de XXe Eeuw
   The Twentieth-Century Ballet was created in 1960 under the artistic direction of Maurice Béjart. The ballet originated from Béjart's successful production of Le sacre du Printemps at the Théâtre royal de la Monnaie in 1959. The style of productions evolved gradually from classical dance to performances that included Eastern dance forms (Bakht [1968]) and, finally, to grand spectacles (Dionysus [1984]). The group became one of the world's premiere ballet companies, attracted a wide following among the public, and made Brussels an international capital of choreography. The theater school Mu-dra and ballet group Yantra were associated with the company. Béjart moved to Lausanne, Switzerland, in June 1987, where he established the Ballet Béjart.

Historical Dictionary of Brussels. .

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