Balat, Alphonse Hubert François

Balat, Alphonse Hubert François
   Architect Alphonse Balat was born in Gochenée, in the province of Namur, on 15 May 1818. In 1852, he secured the post of architect to the future king Leopold II and, thereafter, he worked closely with the latter designing and redesigning edifices throughout the Brussels area. His work includes the Palais Royal (southern wings and marble hall), various townhouses, and the Palais de Laeken, including the Serres royales on the grounds of the latter. A proponent of a classicizing eclecticism that exhibited features of neobaroque, Balat was a teacher of Victor Horta and wielded a great influence on the architecture of the 19th century in Brussels. He died in Ixelles on 16 September 1895.

Historical Dictionary of Brussels. .

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