Magritte, René

Magritte, René
   Surrealist painter René Magritte was born in Lessen on 21 November 1898. He studied for two years at the Académie royale des Beaux-Arts, and, strongly influenced by the metaphysical paintings of Giorgio de Chirico, he evolved a style emanating from cubism and futurism that became one of the most widely recognized forms of surrealism. His pencil drawing Le jockey perdu (The lost jockey [1925]) embodied an early theme expressed in many later works. His paintings exhibit a restrained and quiet effect, despite an often contrasting juxtaposition of images. Erotic themes are important; however, the commonplace is also much in evidence, and typical paintings (The Red Model [1935]) depict intricate fantasies built around ordinary situations. He also completed wall paintings, including a work for the Palais des Congrès.
   Magritte lived in Le Perreux-sur-Marne, France, and in Paris in 1928-1929. He returned to Brussels in 1930. He completed a considerable amount of work while living in Jette at rue Esseghem 135. Magritte died in Schaerbeek on 15 August 1967.

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