
   The Amigo is the name of a street, a former prison, and a hotel in Brussels. The rue de l'Amigo was originally called Boterpot-straat after "Boterpot" (butter pot), the popular name of an adjacent building that sported a large, bulbous dome, which dated from the 14th century.
   The street served as the location of the Amigo prison, built in 1522, rebuilt in 1791, and demolished in 1930. The building was used primarily to incarcerate petty criminals, rowdies, and drunkards. Up until the mid-1920s curious bystanders would assemble every morning to see the overnight "guests" depart. The homeless were given shelter on their request as were husbands thrown out of the house by their wives—but for three nights only. The prison's populace served as a rich source for writers.
   The Amigo Hotel, built on the prison site in 1957, remains one of the capital's most luxurious.

Historical Dictionary of Brussels. .

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  • Amigo — (female form: Amiga ) is a Spanish and Portuguese word for friend. It has been in use in American English since 1837 (as in Adiós, amigo , meaning Goodbye, friend ). Amigo or amiga may refer to:* Amigo (restaurant), the name of a French restaura …   Wikipedia

  • Amigo — Spiel + Freizeit GmbH Rechtsform GmbH Gründung 1980 Sitz …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • amigo — amigo, ga (Del lat. amīcus). 1. adj. Que tiene amistad. U. t. c. s. U. como tratamiento afectuoso, aunque no haya verdadera amistad. 2. amistoso (ǁ perteneciente a la amistad). 3. Que gusta mucho de algo. 4. poét. Dicho de un objeto material:… …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • AMIGO — AMIGO, Sephardi family prominent in Temesvár, Hungary (now Timiṣoara, Romania). Its founder, MEIR AMIGO, who was born in Constantinople, settled there together with four other Sephardi Jews in 1736, by a special authorization obtained for them by …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • amigo — amigo, ga adjetivo,sustantivo masculino y femenino 1. Que siente afecto y simpatía por otra persona: Es amiga de mis hijas. Es un amigo de la familia. 2. Pragmática: peyorativo. [Persona] que es amante de otra: Tiene un amigo ahí, en el piso,… …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • amigo — n. m. (Belgique) Vieilli Prison, poste de police. || Loc. (Afr. subsah., Belgique) à l amigo: en prison, au poste. Il a passé la nuit à l amigo …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • amigo — ga ‘Que tiene afecto o inclinación por alguien o algo’. Tiene dos superlativos válidos: amicísimo (del lat. amicissimus), hoy relegado a la lengua literaria, y amiguísimo, formado sobre amigo y más frecuente en el uso (→ ísimo, 4): «Excelente… …   Diccionario panhispánico de dudas

  • amigo — (n.) friend, comrade, often a form of address, 1837, American English (first attested in the phrase adios, Amigo), from Sp. amigo, lit. friend, from L. amicus friend, related to amare to love (see AMY (Cf. Amy)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • amigo — adj. s. m. 1. Que ou quem sente amizade por ou está ligado por uma afeição recíproca a. = COMPANHEIRO ≠ INIMIGO 2. Que ou quem está em boas relações com outrem. ≠ INIMIGO 3. Que ou quem se interessa por algo ou é defensor de algo (ex.: amigo dos… …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • Amigo — A*mi go, n.; pl. {Amigos}. [Sp., fr. L. amicus.] A friend; a Spanish term applied in the Philippine Islands to friendly natives. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • amigo — ► NOUN (pl. amigos) informal, chiefly N. Amer. ▪ a friend. ORIGIN Spanish …   English terms dictionary

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