Géry/Goerik (Saint)

Géry/Goerik (Saint)
   Géry (in Latin, Gaugerius, Gaugeric, or Guncher) was born in the second half of the sixth century at Yvois-Carignan, in France. Of noble origin, Géry was ordained in 577 by Magnerie, the archbishop of Trier, who was impressed by Géry's piety. In 580, Vidulphe, the bishop of Arras and Cambrai, died, and the clergy and people asked Childeric II, king of Austrasia, to appoint Géry bishop. He was known for his zeal in rooting out the vestiges of paganism still existing in the diocese. Géry is reputed to have founded an oratory, or chapel, on an island in the Senne River about 695 while traveling through his diocese. He died in Cambrai on 11 August 619. His name was subsequently given to the largest of the three islands in the river.

Historical Dictionary of Brussels. .

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