Delvaux, Paul

Delvaux, Paul
   Paul Delvaux was born in Antheit, near Huy, on 23 September 1897. He studied at the Académie royale des Beaux-Arts from 1920 to 1924. A painter and printmaker, Del-vaux's early works (Seascapes [1923]), evince the strong influence of such Flemish expressionist painters as Constant Permeke. By the mid-1930s, he turned to surrealism, which subsequently defined his oeuvre. Much influenced by René Magritte and Giorgio De Chirico, he became a leading surrealist in Belgium. Paintings such as Pink Bows (1937) display somnolent figures and incorporate the play of light and shadow underlying timeless stillness that are characteristic features of his canvases. Delvaux died at Veurne on 20 July 1994.

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  • Delvaux, Paul — (9/23/1897 Antheit 7/20/1994 Veurne) (Belgium)    Painter, watercolorist, draftsman, and print maker. Trained at the Academie des Beaux Arts in Brussels. Became the major exponent of Surrealism in Belgium. Many of his works were dream like images …   Dictionary of erotic artists: painters, sculptors, printmakers, graphic designers and illustrators

  • Delvaux, Paul — ▪ 1995       Belgian painter (b. Sept. 23, 1897, Antheit, Liège, Belgium d. July 20, 1994, Veurne, Belgium), in his mature works visually conveyed a dreamlike state, often juxtaposing nude, doe eyed women with skeletons and other incongruous… …   Universalium

  • Delvaux, Paul — ► (1897 1994) Pintor belga. Autor de Crucifixión y de numerosas pinturas murales …   Enciclopedia Universal

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  • DELVAUX (P.) — DELVAUX PAUL (1897 1994) Plus que de surréalisme, comme on le fait parfois, c’est d’une catégorie très particulière de naïveté appuyée sur un travail méticuleux qu’il faudrait parler à propos de cet artiste belge né à Antheit, près de Huy, qui a… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Delvaux — (André) (né en 1925) cinéaste belge de tendance onirique: Un soir un train (1968), Rendez vous à Bray (1971), Belle (1972), Femme entre chien et loup (1978), Benvenuta (1983), l OEuvre au noir (1988). Delvaux (Laurent) (v. 1695 1778) sculpteur… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Paul Delvaux — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Delvaux. Paul Delvaux, né le 23 septembre 1897 à Antheit, Belgique et mort le 20 juillet 1994 à Furnes, était un peintre post impressionniste, expressionniste puis surréaliste belge. So …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Paul Delvaux — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Paul Delvaux Archivo:Delvaux.jpg Busto de Paul Delvaux en un parque de Veurne, Bélgica Nacimiento 23 de septiembre de 1897 Antheit …   Wikipedia Español

  • Paul Delvaux — (September 23, 1897 ndash; July 20, 1994) was a Belgian painter, famous for his surrealist paintings with female nudes.BiographyDelvaux was born in Antheit in the Belgian province of Liège, the son of a lawyer. The young Delvaux took music… …   Wikipedia

  • Paul Delvaux — (* 23. September 1897 in Antheit (Wanze) bei Huy; † 20. Juli 1994 in Veurne, Westflandern) war ein belgischer Maler des Surrealismus. Paul Delvaux beim Signieren 1972 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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